Sunday, June 22, 2008

Chronicles #5

Our black-eyed beauties. At the beginning of last week William was throwing a rock over or at the fence and it bounced back and hit his cheek. Then the middle of the week William swung a plastic pencil box at Emma which resulted in a blood blister just below her eye. Yes we know, it is just a matter of time before our first emergency room visit.

Emma was trying to avoid going to the bathroom and she was pretending to be a "talking cat". I asked her to go use the facilities and she says,"Someone took my bum, maybe a soldier or something took this kitty's bum."
I responded that someone can't take her bum to which she responded, "No, this is a tend (pretend) kitty and someone took her bum."

Emma working on her pet negotiations skills while we were outside weeding the yard:
"Mama you be Frosty and I will be Karen. Frosty, look at all the snow (as she is making piles of gravel in 100˚ weather). Frosty, (she waits for my response in Frosty the Snowman voice) I have a friend named Emma and her Mama said she could have a pet (Oh really, that sounds nice, says frosty). Emma is going to get a doggy from the pound. It will be soooo cute and she will name him Tiny!"

When I am sitting at the couch Emma comes over and wants to pretend that my feet are horses. She brings over plastic carrots and apples to feed my toes by shoving them between my toes (that really tickles). After the feeding she climbs onto my knees and goes for a ride. Here is an example of her interactions:
"Say nay! (nay) Good horsey! You cited (excited) we are going to have breakfast. We are going to go to the fair, you are going to take me. Talk in horsey Spanish (Graaaaacioussss). Help I'm stuck, I can't get up. Help me Spanish horsey. Thank you, good job horsey."

Whenever we go to a friends' house Emma asks,"Mommy would you please leave and go on a date with Daddy and leave me here".

After William pulled Emma's hair she says, "Brother doesn't know the quences (consequences)."

Papa was cleaning Emma's boogery nose and Emma says, "Papa, you sure do love your granddaughter don't you".

William watched Papa swim under the water and he frantically pointed and said, "Oh no, oh no, oh no!"

William likes to put things together in unusual ways, especially his food. We went out to eat with Burton's lab at the Mongolian BBQ. William takes a chopstick and slides it into his drink cup and tries to drink from it. I give him a straw which he puts in, takes a few drinks, then he discovers that the chopstick fits inside the straw. He plays for a little while, pulling the straw and chopstick combo apart and together several times. I give William his chow mien noodles which he excitedly pulls out with his finger, dangling them over his face and slurping up like Lady and the Tramp. He removes the chopstick from the straw and realizes he can thread the noodle into the straw. Once the noodle is in place he slurps it out. He likes this so much that he finishes all his noodle this way, (see video above).

Another food discovery:
William was sitting at his chair with his bowl of rice staring intently at his belly button. He was inserting grains of rice, one at a time.

William has the amazing pocket holster/sword sheath. Any long object such as a spoon, chopstick, ruler, etc. is stuffed into his pocket and then pulled out with a flourish and brandished.

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