Sunday, June 29, 2008

Chronicles #6

Emma: Why are teeth wet?

We are driving in our car after a church activity and Emma says, "Go faster!"
Burton: I can't go faster, we will hit the Bishop's car in front of us.
Emma: What would we say?
Tracy: Sorry.
Emma: What would he say?
Tracy: I don't know.
Emma after a few minutes and saying with the gusto of just having had an epiphany,
"He would say, 'What's the big idea'"!

Emma: Mama you be a mama dinosaur and I will be a baby dinosaur. I'm hungry Mama dinosaur.
Tracy: I'm making you some cookies, baby dinosaur.
Emma: No I want food. There is food! (Pointing at her little brother.)

William's newest favorite utensil for eating rice is his shovel from his sand bucket. His favorite new hat is the bucket.

A new surprise phrase from William. We were at the park for a primary activity and one of the other kids started climbing high on the equipment and he starts yelling "Get down, get down!" William is a boy of few words, but he stores them away for the right moment and then shocks you with the clarity with which he can say them.

William really likes chocolate. When given a chocolate chip cookie, he takes his finger or whatever other utensil available and digs out the individual chips. One cookie can last him a good 20 minutes as he is very thorough.

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